Meet Stephanie...
"Missing Piece" is the debut solo album for Stephanie Jeter Duckworth. Stephanie has been playing music since she was a young girl, but has been playing old-time music since 2007 when she joined the old-time band at East Tennessee State University. As a bassist, autoharp player, and singer, she performs regularly with the Empty Bottle String Band as well as with her husnad Andy Duckworth as the country duo Rose and Vine. She has awards in clogging/flatfooting, autoharp, singing, harmonry singing, and teaches clogging and flatfooting workshops.
Stephanie has a doctorate degree in Physical Therapy and practices in Lexington, KY. She is an avid pie baker, having won the title of Master Pie Baker at the Appalachian Fair in 2015, 2016, and 2017, 3rd place in chocolate pie at the National Pie Contest, as well as multiple other wins at local pie contests in Lexington.
For more info about the bands Stephanie plays with, follow the links below: